Netspend Blog

Saving (I love Savings!) 

  • Tips for Saving Money Through Couponing

    There are plenty of tips out there for saving money, but few of them produce the same kind of immediate savings that you can find with couponing. Coupons instantly reduce the amount you pay at checkout so you spend less on the items you use most. Investing a little time in couponing can produce significant savings. If it has been a while since you clipped coupons in the Sunday paper, here are some tips for saving money that will get you up to speed and help you make the most of couponing.
  • Tips for Saving Money to Buy a House

    Purchasing a home provides a range of both financial and personal benefits. However, buying a house is a major investment that may require a substantial down payment along with other moving costs. With that in mind, here are some tips for saving money that could help you save so that you could one day buy your own home.
  • Tips for Saving Money to Buy a House

    Purchasing a home provides a range of both financial and personal benefits. However, buying a house is a major investment that may require a substantial down payment along with other moving costs. With that in mind, here are some tips for saving money that could help you save so that you could one day buy your own home.
  • 7 Ways to Pay Less in Taxes

    Everybody wants to pay less taxes, and with good planning throughout the year, you can make it happen. You can reduce your taxable income, help yourself, and help others. It’s easier than you may think.